Cutting Board Care

Cutting Board Care

Maintaining your cutting board is very simple if you know how, so we hope this short guide will ensure you have a sanitary and happy cutting board for many years to come.

Recommended Products

Trey’s Woodshop recommends only the use of food grade substances for use on our cutting board, as it will be in contact with food. All cutting board creams and oils we carry on our site are appropriate for food contact.

These include:

   - Food grade mineral oil

   - Beeswax based creams or “butters”

   - Butcher block conditioner

   - Trey's Woodshop Board Butter

Proper Cleaning and Washing

Wash your cutting board with soap and warm water and scrub well. The volume of water and mechanical scrubbing is more important than soap in flushing bacteria and other food off the board. After washing the cutting board, dry immediately with a towel and let it air dry standing up or on a raised rack with air flow.

How to Apply Cutting Board Oil

Once your cutting board is thoroughly dry, apply the oil directly onto the surface of the board. Be generous with the application, especially if the wood is dry or you just purchased the cutting board or butcher block. You want the surface to be dripping wet on all sides and we recommend using a small bar towel or new paint brush to spread the oil (try not to soak up the oil), as using your hands may lead to accidental splinters. Most importantly, let the oil soak into the cutting board. Stand your board upright to dry when done. If you are restoring an old, dry or seasoning a new cutting board, you may wish to repeat this process two more times, to ensure your cutting board is completely seasoned.

How to Apply Cutting Board butter

To apply board butter, wait until the board is dry after washing or oiling, then apply a small amount of butter onto the board. Using a soft cloth, buff into the wood in a circular pattern, forming a thin coat. Repeat over the entire surface of the board and especially the sides. It's not necessary to let the wax soak into the board. We recommended you oil your cutting board every month or when dry to the touch.  Board butter should be applied at the same time as oiling.


  - Put the board in the dishwasher. The heat and water will warp and splinter the wood AND void warranties. Only plastic, composite or glass boards can go into the dishwasher. 

  - Dunk or let the board in stand in water. The wood will absorb water and potentially warp.

   - Use bleach. This will stain the wood and/or excessively dry the wood.

   - Put a wet board flat to dry. If the board dries on one side, it will cause the wood to warp.

If your board has stains or smells, you can use lemon juice or white vinegar directly on the area. The acid in these liquids will neutralize the organic material or fats causing the problem.

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